Traefik and Consul Bare

Traefik and Consul


We still use old VM with no / limited orchastration Historically we used HA Proxy for load balancing. But things as to change. So I look at Traefik. My needs :

  • simple path base routing to route to my webapps.
  • nice ui to follow the load balancer activity
  • single file deployement !
  • dynamic configuration reload
  • ability to use a third party service discovery

The choice was simple: Traefik On top of it, it’s lead maintainer is French (big up to Emile @emilevauge) and it has cheese name for all it’s release :)

Why Consul another great question, what are the alternatives : etcd, zookeeper, eureka. zookeeper is java so ease of deployement is down, sorry etcd will be tested next :) eureka too close to aws for my own need :)


2 examples :

  • discover traefik, and use a file config to do some path base routing
  • use consul for service discovery and health checking
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